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Best Buy Foundation National Partnership Request for Proposals 2015

Best Buy Foundation Ignites Teen Potential through Technology

For decades people have turned to Best Buy for answers to their technology questions. As a company, our mission is to ignite human potential.  One of the ways we do this is by supporting technology programs that bridge the digital divide by helping underserved teens build 21st century skills to prepare for college and careers.

As experts in technology, our goal is to leverage our knowledge, resources and talented Best Buy and Geek Squad employees to empower underserved youth and help prepare them for the future.


National Partner Overview

The Best Buy Foundation seeks nonprofit partners that create hands-on learning opportunities for underserved teens to engage in learning, experimenting, and interacting with the latest technologies to build 21st century skills. Our goal is to provide youth with access to new technologies and help them become interested and fluent in digital learning while developing skills to help better prepare them for future education and career success.

Programs should help teens build 21st century skills by utilizing cutting-edge technology such as computers, digital cameras, video cameras and professional software in a wide range of areas including but not limited to:

  • Audio Production (including music mixing & recording)
  • Coding
  • 3D Design and Printing
  • Computer Maintenance and Repair
  • Digital Photography/Graphic Design
  • Maker Faires/Hack-a-thons
  • Mobile & Game App Development
  • Programming
  • Robotics
  • Web Site Design
  • Filmmaking & Videography

For more information on Best Buy’s Community Relations, visit: https://corporate.bestbuy.com/community-relations-overview.


Grant Overview

Best Buy is searching for national organizations with a demonstrated track record for building skill proficiency in technology through out-of-school time programs.

The primary responsibilities of the nonprofit organization include:

  • Working with schools and other community-based organizations to build awareness of the program to drive teen participation.
  • Ensuring access to youth from underserved communities.
  • Enabling participation of Best Buy employees to serve as volunteers.
  • Supporting teen outreach, learning & curriculum development (in area of expertise) for Best Buy’s signature programs – Geek Squad Academy and Teen Tech Centers (if appropriate).
  • Developing financial and community support to help sustain the program beyond the grant funding from Best Buy.
  • Attending quarterly partner calls and submitting an annual report on program components such as: participant demographics, program activities, measurement of progress on desired outcomes such as increased knowledge of and interest in technology/21st century skill development, challenges, successes, and participant survey results.
  • Driving the partnership by taking initiative to set-up additional meetings with Best Buy staff to ensure grant deliverables are being met.


Eligibility Criteria

Best Buy invites out-of-school time programs that have a fundamental commitment to youth, ages 13-18, to apply for funding.  Minimum eligibility criteria include:

  • 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with existing out-of-school time program or programming with a proven track record of serving youth ages 13-18.
  • Program located within a nonprofit organization targeting teens in underserved communities or available to underserved teen-serving nonprofits.
  • Opportunities for local Best Buy employees to participate in the program as volunteers. Program must operate within 25 miles of a Best Buy store or other Best Buy center of operations (e.g., warehouse, corporate headquarters, etc.). To find store locations, visit www.bestbuy.com and click on “Store Locator.”
  • Willingness to participate in meetings with other Best Buy national partners and signature programs, such as Geek Squad Academy and Best Buy Teen Tech Centers, to share best practice and potentially collaborate in combined programming efforts (when feasible).
  • Commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Willingness to integrate Geek Squad Academy curriculum into existing programming (if appropriate).
  • Ability to conduct programming in at least five cities across the country (not solely in one region or city). Preferred locations include the locations of our Best Buy Teen Tech Centers, including but not limited to: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Jersey City/NYC, Miami, Minneapolis/St. Paul, San Antonio, San Francisco/Bay area, Seattle and Washington D.C.


Required Elements of the Proposal: Please include in online submission

Proposals will be evaluated and competitively ranked by a review committee from Best Buy. The review committee may choose to conduct a site visit or conference call as part of the selection process. The overall comprehensiveness, quality and clarity of the proposal will be taken into consideration.

Please submit proposal online via this link – https://www.easymatch.com/bestbuygrant/.  Make sure to address each requirement below in the section that corresponds to the online application.  The grant will be to support the operation of the program for one-year from date of implementation. Grant recipients will be eligible to apply the following year for funding based on demonstrated success.

Organization Mission

  • Statement of nonprofit organization’s mission and strategic direction.

Define Children Served

  • Describe how your organization reaches and supports teens ages 13-18. Include number of youth served, related demographic data (e.g., ages served, gender mix, ethnicity, % on free and reduced lunch program), hours of operation, and schedule of activities.
  • Specifically, describe successful engagement with economically disadvantaged and diverse populations.

Geographic Area

  • Describe the geographic area served by your organization/program.

Program Goals, Objectives, & Impact

  • Describe how a grant from Best Buy can help achieve your current and future objectives.
  • Describe how a grant would support the development of underserved youth by helping them develop 21st century skill skills and bride the digital divide.

Program Description

  • Describe experience with informal learning environments.
  • Describe your experience with using technology as a learning tool for teens.
  • Give examples of prior experience with program evaluation.

Implementation Plan

  • Describe leadership opportunities for youth, as well as the role of youth in planning and implementing programs and activities.
  • Give examples of collaboration with organizations in the community.
  • Outline any proposed Best Buy employee volunteer activities.


  • Describe your volunteerism program.
  • Describe your program’s reputation in the community and give examples of a demonstrated history of success.


  • Outline, in a bulleted format, the specific metrics used to track program success in areas of developing 21st century skills and bridging the digital divide (e.g., types of skills and level of proficiency, amount of interest in digital learning, technology access provided to underserved youth).
  • Provide a brief explanation of your program evaluation process.

Brief Narrative of Organization’s Budget

  • List corporate funders, levels of support and any funding received from Best Buy previously.

Brief Narrative of Program’s Budget

  • Include total program budget, identifying how funds from Best Buy would be used.

Other Funding Sources

  • List of other funders of the program and levels of support, for which you are requesting funds.


Proposal Deadlines and Administrative Information

Grant Awards: Program grants (no general operating) typically range from $100k to $200k

Grant Period: Up to one year of funding. Organizations demonstrating success are eligible to apply for future funding in subsequent years

Proposal Due Date: Proposal must be submitted no later than 5:00pm EDT on Sunday, November 1, 2015

Final Submissions: https://www.easymatch.com/bestbuygrant/ 

Proposal Requirements and Information: Proposals must be submitted electronically

Notification Date: January 31, 2016

Additional Information: http://www.bby.com/tag/community-relations/ 

Contact: CommunityRelations@BestBuy.com


National Partnership RFP Webinar Details

Best Buy will host a webinar to provide an overview on the National Partnership RFP on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 1:00-2:00pmCST.  If you have not used AT&T Connect previously, please review the following instructions on how to join the webinar.


To connect to the Webinar

Please visit the following link: https://connect23.uc.att.com/bestbuy/meet/?ExEventID=83102548



  1. Choose one of the following numbers to dial:

* Caller-Paid number: 213-787-0519

* Toll-Free Number (in USA): 888-844-9901.

* Blackberry (Caller-Paid): 2137870519×3102548#

* iPhone (Caller-Paid): 2137870519,3102548#

* A number in your country or in a country close to you (may be toll free): https://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessNumber=8888449901&accessCode=3102548

  1. When prompted, enter the Meeting Access Code: 3102548#To prepare in advance for the conference (for all devices):

    Please visit the following link: https://connect23.uc.att.com/bestbuy/Prepare/.

    To view supported Operating Systems and devices:

    Please visit the following link: http://www.corp.att.com/attconnectsupport/supporteddevices