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Best Buy Offers 10 Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption


How much energy do you consume? October is Energy Awareness Month and Best Buy is here to help you reduce your personal energy consumption and save money:

  • Know Your Energy Consumption. Awareness is the key and the U.S. EPA Home Energy Yardstick is a great way to find out where your home’s energy use is compared to similar homes and climates.
  • Find New Ways to Save Energy. The average home’s annual energy bill is $2,200 and energy-efficient products can save you money. Check out how much you can save in your home with a new energy-efficient appliance by using the Best Buy Energy Savings Calculator.
  • Turn the Lights Off. It’s basic, but turning the lights off when you leave a room can make a real difference on your monthly energy bill.
  • Upgrade to ENERGY STAR Certified Electronics & Appliances. Best Buy has more than 2,300 ENERGY STAR® certified products for customers looking to save money on their home energy bills and reduce their energy consumption. Check them out at www.BestBuy.com/ENERGYSTAR.
  • Switch to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs. Using light bulbs like the Insignia™ LED Light Bulb will help individuals use 75 percent less electricity than traditional bulbs. Additionally, the bulb will last for more than 22 years and it is fully recyclable.
  • Know the Benefits of Being Energy Conscious. In fiscal 2013, Best Buy customers in the U.S. bought more than 21 million ENERGY STAR certified products, resulting in collective utility bill savings of more than $52 million. But they weren’t just saving money. The energy they saved equates to more than 700 million pounds of CO2 avoidance, or the equivalent of removing more than 62,000 cars from the road.
  • Unplug Devices When Not In Use. By unplugging seldom-used appliances and electronics, home energy consumption can be reduced and your monthly utility bill can drop.
  • Use Power Strips. Be sure to run your TVs, home theater systems, stereos and other electronics through power strips. With their “standby” consumption, these products can be equivalent to that of a 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously (Source: NRDC).
  • Activate Power Management for Home Computers. Laptops burn about 20–30 watts of power. By using system ‘standby’ and ‘hibernate’ features in the AC power profile on your laptop, individuals can reduce power up to 1–2 watts.
  • Find Energy Rebates. Beyond savings from simply having energy-efficient products, local utility companies provide additional rebates that can save you up to $300. To find rebates available in your area, check out the Best Buy online rebate finder here: Best Buy Rebate Finder.

Media Contact:                                                                                               

Jeremy Baier