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Boy’s dream of wearing a blue shirt comes true at Omaha Best Buy

Some kids want to be astronauts. Others want to be rock stars. But for one 11-year-old from Santiago, Chile, working for Best Buy is his ultimate wish.

When Daniel Hoyt, general manager of Best Buy’s East Omaha store, learned about Ethan’s dream from Ethan’s grandmother, Beverly, he was surprised.

“It was a little bit new for me,” Daniel said. “But I remember having a personal connection to Best Buy when I was young, too. I loved shopping for music here. So I get why it’s special.”

Ethan, whose father is from Nebraska, was visiting his grandma and other family members for the holidays. And Beverly knew a visit to Best Buy had to happen. Ethan and his friends are fascinated by computers and have always loved Best Buy as a result.

“My grandson’s dream job is to put on the blue shirt, and his father said that his enthusiasm makes him want to help start a Best Buy in Santiago, Chile,” Beverly said.

Daniel and his team invited Ethan and his family to the store on Thursday to meet employees and get a tour. He even got a lesson in building computers. The best part? Employees gave Ethan his very own honorary Blue Shirt.

“To me, Best Buy is an electronics paradise. I really enjoy learning how technology and its parts come together,” Ethan said. “It was so cool to experience the store environment.”

He wasn’t the only one whose day was made by the visit. Daniel and his employees enjoyed the experience, too.

“Everyone had big smiles,” Daniel said. “It’s a reminder that the work we do is impactful and makes a difference.”


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