Company News

st. jude-best buy

10 Feb: Best Buy Leaders Visit St. Jude Patients, Bring $10.2 Million in Customer Donations

The recent St. Jude Thanks and Giving® campaign at Best Buy was the most successful one yet, but it’s the faces behind the cause that really matter. And this week, a group of Best Buy store general managers (GMs) got to see those faces, in person, at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®.

The GMs were from the stores that led the company in dollars donated or the percentage of transactions with a donation attached. As recognition for their fundraising, the leaders got to tour the hospital in Memphis and meet with patients and families.

virtual reality-oculus rift-best buy

09 Feb: Pre-Order Oculus Rift Virtual Reality System at Best Buy

Ever wanted to feel like you were in your favorite video game or jump over to a destination on the other side of the world? Well, virtual reality, or VR, is your way in, and you won’t have to wait much longer to make it happen.

On Feb. 16, Best Buy will begin to offer pre-orders for the Oculus Rift headset, the latest in virtual reality technology, with a select gaming PC optimized to work with the device. The headset should be available later this spring.

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 6

03 Feb: You Wish Your TV Room Looked Like This

Man Cave. Media Room. Home Theater.

No matter what you call it, the TV room is the coolest room in the house.

And with pro football’s Big Game coming up on Feb. 7, take a moment and look at the drool-inducing television creations our friends at Magnolia can whip up and turn into reality.

Just a heads up: these half-dozen photos are jaw dropping. Don’t act like we didn’t warn you.

The ‘Forget the Stadium, Get Stadium Seating’ Setup

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 4

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 4


The ‘TV Room With a View’ Experience

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 3


The ‘Thrice As Nice’ TV Room

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 6


The ‘No Big Deal, But My Media Room’s Stone Cold Beautiful’ Layout

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 1


The ‘Modern Minimalist’s Vision of a Home Theater’ Design

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 5


The ‘TVs Don’t Get Much Bigger Than This’ Creation

Best Buy Magnolia Home Theater 2 2


tv tip-over-best buy

02 Feb: To Avoid TV Tip-Overs, Follow These 5 Safety Steps

More than 100 million people will turn on their televisions Sunday to watch the big football game.

As you’re gearing up to join them, we want to help keep your home safe from a potential danger: TV tip-overs.

A child visits an emergency room every 45 minutes because of an injury from a television tipping over, according to a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report.

Here are five things to know about preventing TV tip-over accidents:

  • It’s all about the stand.
Best Buy - Black Friday

01 Feb: Best Buy’s recycling program is changing. Here’s how and why.

This week we introduced changes in our in-store recycling program that allow us to continue to provide this service for our customers.

We are now charging customers $25 for each TV and computer monitor they recycle at our stores. And in two states – Illinois and Pennsylvania – we are no longer recycling these particular products because of laws that prevent us from collecting fees to help run our program. All other products – such as batteries, ink cartridges, computers, printers and hundreds of other items –   continue to be recycled for free at all of our stores.

mobile plan-Best Buy-cellphone

29 Jan: Half of People Are on the Wrong Mobile Plan, Best Buy Data Shows

Looking to upgrade your cellphone? It might be time to update your mobile plan, too.

More than 1 million people had their cellphone plans reviewed at Best Buy stores over the holiday season, and 50 percent of them found out that they were either overpaying for the data in their plan, or could get more for the same price.

Those customers saved an average of $35 per month — a total of more than $3 million — by switching plans, according to internal data from Nov.

X Games-Geek Squad

28 Jan: Geek Squad Goes Extreme at the Winter X Games

Geek Squad is gearing up to go for gold this week at the X Games Aspen 2016.

Best Buy’s Services brand is joining forces with Trend Micro, a global leader in security software, to co-sponsor a trio of snowmobile riders in this year’s competition. Chris Heppding will race in the snowmobile SnoCross adaptive final tonight, and then 2008 silver medalist Brett Turcotte and his McGuire Motorsports teammate, Josh Penner, will compete in the snowmobile freestyle final Friday night.

Trend Micro and Geek Squad are teaming up on the sponsorship to generate awareness for the importance of data security.

TV-Best Buy

26 Jan: TV Has Come a Long Way Since First Broadcast 90 Years Ago

Catch today’s Google Doodle?

The illustration celebrates the 90th anniversary of John Logie Baird’s first public showing of a live television broadcast. Baird’s TV displayed a blurry, but recognizable, face of a person speaking while manipulating a ventriloquist dummy to a group of London scientists and one journalist.

While the 1926 broadcast on the small 3.5 x 2 inch screen (think roughly the size of an iPhone 5 screen) was groundbreaking, The Daily Telegraph notes that it left the lone journalist in attendance skeptical as to whether the new medium would take off.

wireless network-best buy-geek squad

22 Jan: Get Your Home’s Wireless Network Up to Speed

Everything is connected to the internet today; it’s called the Internet of Things for a reason, right? The average American household has at least eight devices connected to the home wireless network.

[callout]Check out this Geek Squad video
about upgrading your home network.
Learn more by reading Best Buy’s
home networking buyer’s guide. [/callout]Being so connected is great, but when you have that many devices under one roof working at the same time, it bogs down the Wi-Fi.

And a bogged-down network only means one thing: buffering.

Best Buy Logo

14 Jan: Best Buy Reports Holiday Revenue Results

Domestic Revenue Decreased 0.8%

Repurchased $203 million in Stock for a Year-to-Date Total of $588 million

Improving the Fourth Quarter Operating Margin Outlook

MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 14, 2016 — Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE: BBY) today announced revenue results for the nine weeks ended January 2, 2016 as compared to the nine weeks ended Jan. 3, 2015. PDF version.

Fiscal 2016 Holiday Revenue Summary 9 weeks ended January 2, 2016 9 weeks ended January 3, 2015
Enterprise Revenue ($ in millions)1 $10,961 $11,366
Domestic segment $10,050 $10,132
Domestic segment year-over-year revenue change (0.8%) 4.1%
International segment1 $911 $1,233
Enterprise Comparable Sales % Change:
Excluding the estimated benefit of installment billing2,3 (1.4%) 1.8%4
Estimated benefit of installment billing3  0.2%  0.7%
Comparable sales % change2 (1.2%) 2.5%4
Domestic Comparable Sales % Change:
Excluding the estimated benefit of installment billing2,3 (1.4%) 2.6%
Estimated benefit of installment billing3 0.2% 0.8%
Comparable sales % change2 (1.2%) 3.4%
Comparable online sales % change2 12.6% 13.4%


Hubert Joly, Best Buy chairman and CEO, commented, “During the holiday period, Domestic revenue declined 0.8% against a backdrop where the NPD-reported categories were down a greater-than-expected 4.8%5.

Best Buy - cold weather

12 Jan: Keep Your Tech Safe When Winter Weather Hits

While you’re busy bundling up to stay warm when icy Arctic air hits, don’t forget to protect your tech devices from the cold weather, too.

Frigid temps can sap battery life and crack screens. Snow and slush — any moisture, really — can wreak havoc on batteries, circuits and speakers. And wild temperature swings from moving between indoor heat and outdoor cold can damage screens.

Here’s some advice for protecting your smartphone and other mobile devices when cold and wet weather hits, as well as a tip for trying to save a wet gadget.

dyson-best buy

11 Jan: Get the Dirt on Dyson’s New Ball Animal Vacuum

What’s so cool about the latest Dyson vacuum that recently showed up at Best Buy?

Our expert Blue Shirt Zach Ross knows. We sent him to Dyson HQ to talk with a head engineer to get the dirt on the new, high-tech Ball Animal.

Zach learned how the Ball Animal – available now at Best Buy stores and – is easy to maneuver, works on a variety of surfaces and comes with a tangle-free turbine tool.


Watch the video to learn more, including the strangest thing a Dyson vacuum has sucked up during testing.