

26 Feb: Employees double as dinosaur doctors at Florida Best Buy store

Three-year-old Jordan loves his raptor Fingerling toy so much that he gave it a name: “Dino Baby.” Wherever Jordan goes, so goes the toy — in hand or tucked into his shirt for safe keeping.

“If we forget the dinosaur at home, we’re turning around to go get it,” said Niah Negron, Jordan’s mom. “He sleeps with it, he talks to it, there’s just something about that dinosaur.”

One day, Jordan realized Dino Baby had broken. Devastated, he ran and told his mom.

Jack & Lorene_1

13 Feb: Lights, camera, love: Couple’s cherished tradition continues [VIDEO]

Jack and Lorene have been married for nearly 60 years.

She wasn’t impressed when she was first introduced to him. He was too quiet, she thought, not a match for her chatterbox personality. He thought she was perfect. Love’s surprising that way.

Together they built a family, traditions and a business. Through it all, they loved watching movies — just the two of them.

Then Jack suffered an aneurysm.

He recovered, but short-term memory and hearing loss remained. The technology in their home became hard for him to use and enjoy.


11 Feb: Students get career inspiration from Grammy tour

One of the biggest nights in music took place Sunday in Los Angeles: the 61st Annual Grammy Awards®. The show brought together celebrities and some of the most well-known artists in music from across all genres.

It took a lot of technology and expertise to pull it all off — a great example for teens interested in related careers.

A group of such students was able to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the action, thanks to Best Buy and corporate partners at JBL.


01 Feb: Football pro Kyle Rudolph talks tech, family and giving back

The biggest game in football is nearly here! We were able to spend some time with Kyle Rudolph, Minnesota tight end and league Man of the Year nominee inside the Best Buy Tech Zone in Atlanta.

While hanging with Kyle, we learned a bit more about his off-the-field hustle and how technology has a positive impact on nearly all aspects of his life. From practice to game day to being a dad and husband, here’s what Kyle had to say.

BBY:  First off, we’re dying to know… What’s in your bag?


31 Jan: Best Buy teammates, a cancer survivor and a trip to St. Jude

Christian Crawford and Denton Olson are sales consultants at Best Buy who took a journey to the place that saved Denton’s life. The teammates at the Best Buy store in Columbia, Missouri, traveled to Memphis to visit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® as participants in a health study looking at long-term effects of cancer treatment.

Denton is alive and healthy thanks to breakthroughs discovered by scientists and doctors at St. Jude — work that continues every day because of generous donations, including those made at Best Buy during our St.


24 Jan: Best Buy store manager gives back to his hometown in Guatemala

Many people go to work to make money, but Best Buy gives our employees opportunities to do much more than that. One store leader’s generosity within his hometown community is leaving a footprint — literally.

Jorge Veliz is the general manager of the Best Buy store in Mission Viejo, California. Growing up in Guatemala, he remembers walking to school barefoot. Today, as a GM, Jorge buys shoes for kids who need them like he did.

Every February, Jorge and his father organize a two-day festival in their home village.


17 Jan: Cap, gown, blue shirt: Employee gets surprise graduation at Best Buy

Steven Donley was excited to receive his master’s degree, but he didn’t expect it to happen during his shift at a Best Buy store.

Steven, a supervisor at the Best Buy in Marquette, Michigan, had opted not to go to his graduation ceremony at Northern Michigan University (NMU) last month so that three of his employees — and fellow graduates — could attend the same event instead.

“I know my general manager would have let me go if asked, but it was their first time being able to do something like this, whereas I already had my bachelor’s, so I didn’t feel like it was 100 percent necessary for me to be there, especially if it meant other people could,” he said.

Dad and Me

10 Jan: Hearing his late father’s voice again, in a Best Buy store

Just a few days into 2019, one customer says Best Buy has already made his year by saving something he couldn’t replace: his late father’s voice.

Halidor Arkellsson is a longtime Best Buy customer whose father’s confusion about voicemail turned out to be a gift he treasured.

His father, Dale, liked that answering machines allowed him to talk until someone heard him and picked up the phone to continue the conversation. But when phone technology evolved to software-based voicemail and took away that interactive feature, Halidor’s dad didn’t immediately convert along with it.


08 Jan: Student in Georgia finds more than a job at Best Buy


By Gustavo Zamora

I was 20 years old when I quit the job that had promised me a promotion, changed my college major and started working for Best Buy.

Walking away from a guaranteed management position at a grocery store might sound puzzling, but there would have been a catch with that career move: The store’s leaders wanted me to quit school to show that I was loyal to the company. They didn’t understand why I was still in school if I could have a career there without having to pursue higher education.

Katie note card hero

02 Jan: ‘I weigh 325 pounds and that’s unacceptable to me’

Weight loss can be a roller coaster of an experience. But for Katie Rowsey, an actual roller coaster is what launched her journey to drop 162 pounds – and gain back her freedom.

A lifetime of struggling with weight and “yo-yo dieting” came to a head for Katie last year as she waited in line for a thrill ride, only to be turned down by the operator because her weight exceeded the safety limit.

In that moment, Katie — a Best Buy employee who supports the operations for stores located across seven states — found her reason to make a change.


21 Dec: Boy’s dream of wearing a blue shirt comes true at Omaha Best Buy

Some kids want to be astronauts. Others want to be rock stars. But for one 11-year-old from Santiago, Chile, working for Best Buy is his ultimate wish.

When Daniel Hoyt, general manager of Best Buy’s East Omaha store, learned about Ethan’s dream from Ethan’s grandmother, Beverly, he was surprised.

“It was a little bit new for me,” Daniel said. “But I remember having a personal connection to Best Buy when I was young, too. I loved shopping for music here. So I get why it’s special.”