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Don’t Flip Out, Flip Your Fridge!

Is your fridge old enough to drive? If so, it might be time to flip your fridge and replace that energy-hogging refrigerator with a new ENERGY STAR® certified model.

Supporting the EPA’s ENERGY STAR “Flip Your Fridge” 2016 promotion, the Rachael Ray Show awarded seven viewers with LG’s new Black Stainless Steel ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator.  Best Buy will provide the new fridges and Best Buy’s Geek Squad will hook them up.

The Flip Your Fridge effort, which runs through Memorial Day, is being promoted across the country. Since Earth Day (April 22), Best Buy and LG have been encouraging consumers to consider upgrading their refrigerators with a nationwide awareness campaign about the importance of energy efficiency.

Not only can energy-efficient refrigerators help save money because they use less energy, they can also help protect the environment. In fact, if all refrigerators sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the energy cost savings would grow to more than $690 million each year and reduce carbon emissions equivalent to those from about 1.1 million vehicles.

It’s never a bad time to consider flipping your fridge. Learn more about the benefits of upgrading to an ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator here and stay tuned to see the exciting transformation when Best Buy’s Geek Squad hooks up the new fridges in those viewers’ homes (while hauling away and responsibly recycling the old ones.)

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