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Houston teens tour Best Buy’s Distribution Center and talk career paths

Best Buy’s Houston Distribution Center (DDC) opened its doors to nearly 30 teens on May 9 to shed light on our supply chain operations and discuss career opportunities.

Teens who attended are members of the nearby Best Buy Teen Tech Center® at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Houston – Morefield Club. They took tours of the facility, talked with employees and participated in an interactive panel discussion with Best Buy leaders.

“This is something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time,” said Laura, human resources business partner for the DDC. “We want to build a strong relationship with the local Teen Tech Center to show teens what’s possible, whether it’s a career, a mentorship, or a part-time job while they go to college.”

During the tour, the teens rotated to different stations to see how the center works. They received safety vests and personalized badges to keep. Three managers hosted the stations and demoed the recycling space, repair area, lift trucks, and more. About a dozen Best Buy employees took part in the event.

The four panelists, including two who were recently promoted, shared their stories of taking alternative career paths and how they were able to advance in their careers.

“The college route was out for me because I didn’t have the resources for it. So, it was the military or get a job in retail,” said Larry, director of the DDC. “I look back over these 26 years of opportunity that Best Buy has given me — it’s been huge for my life and my family. I want to pay it forward and show that we’re an option for somebody who may not know what their next steps are.”

Supporting the community

The event was an example of how Best Buy employees support their communities and the Best Buy Foundation™, which works to support educational and career opportunities for teens and promote vibrant communities. Teen Tech Centers are the foundation’s signature program.

“Our members thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and many expressed eagerness to work there,” said DeAngel, Teen Tech Center coordinator. “Members were highly impacted by hearing different perspectives on each employee’s journey, finding it eye-opening to learn that many did not have to pursue higher education to achieve their success.”

About Teen Tech Centers

Best Buy Teen Tech Centers are safe, after-school learning environments where young people have access to cutting-edge technology, mentors who build confidence and programs designed for school and career success. Learn more at https://www.bestbuyfoundation.org/.