Best Buy
As one of the first retailers to offer shoppers plastic gifts cards 20 years ago, Best Buy led one of the hottest trends in gift-giving.
Back then, our wallet-sized plastic cards replaced cumbersome paper gift certificates.
It took a while for shoppers to embrace the concept of gift cards, but today they’re one of the most popular items for gift-givers and gift-receivers. In fact, the National Retail Federation expected total spending on the cards to reach $25.9 billion in 2015.
Laura Bishop spoke to educators from Climate Generation at COP21 about the role of business in climate change.
Just two weeks ago, 187 countries gathered in Paris and unanimously agreed to reduce their carbon emissions to confront climate change. I witnessed this historic achievement and returned home both energized and hopeful. Here’s why:
Our world is united.
This remarkable agreement resulted from the public and private sectors working together to forge a global pact to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), with a target of below 1.5 C (2.7 F).