Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report

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21 Jun: Best Buy Releases Latest Sustainability Report; Exceeds Carbon Goal

Today Best Buy released its fiscal year 2017 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report. What’s the big news? We set out to reduce our carbon emissions 45 percent by 2020 (over a 2009 baseline) and, at the end of 2016, we reached nearly 47 percent.

We are committed to addressing climate change. But that’s not all.

At Best Buy, we are focusing our efforts to positively impact the world in three areas: our communities, our environment and our people. It’s the work we call Best Buy for Good.


10 Jul: Best Buy Included in Prestigious FTSE4Good Index

Best Buy made the prestigious FTSE4Good Index for the second year in a row.

The index includes publicly traded companies with strong environmental, social and governance practices. FTSE4Good Indices are utilized by socially responsible investors and other stakeholders to measure sustainability performance. Best Buy received the highest possible score in the environment category, on the heels of announcing that we exceeded our 20 by 20 carbon reduction goal.

For a deeper dive into our sustainability practices, check out our Fiscal Year 2015 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report here.


25 Jun: A Decade of Dedication

Happy 10th Anniversary, Best Buy Sustainability Report!

We’ve come a long way since our first Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability report in 2006. During this journey, we have tried 50 different ways to make an infographic, coerced co-workers into posing for photos, dabbled in QR codes, and conquered GRI G4.

We’ve gone from “rah-rah” Best Buy to digging into serious issues that affect our business and the world. From E-waste Recycling to Human Rights, we have stayed true to our objective over the years – to positively impact our world.