Digital Divide


30 Jun: Best Buy Joins New Partnership To Bring Tech, Internet To Minnesota Students

Best Buy is teaming up with other prominent Minnesota organizations to help fight the digital divide across the state.

We’re proud to be one of the leaders of the Partnership for a ConnectedMN, a public-private partnership announced by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on June 30. Through avenues like grantmaking, the partnership will support initiatives that help K-12 students from disinvested communities across the state of Minnesota get access to the computing devices and internet access they need to facilitate distance learning and access critical support services.

Best Buy - Minnesota

01 May: Best Buy Adds 4 Teen Tech Centers in Minnesota

Best Buy is growing its network of after-school tech programs for teens by adding four new locations in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.

That makes for 15 Best Buy Teen Tech Centers across the United States. The free centers are open year-round and give underserved teens hands-on access to the latest technology.

The new Minnesota Teen Tech Centers are located at:

  • Brian Coyle Center (Minneapolis)
  • Hope Community (Minneapolis)
  • Keystone Community Services (St. Paul)
  • YMCA (Downtown St. Paul)

They join the existing Teen Tech Center at the Minneapolis Central Library, which has been operating since January 2013.


23 Sep: Best Buy and OurCycle LA Bridge Digital Divide for Los Angeles Families

The goal was bridging the digital gap for families, but the theme was empowerment at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles on Sept. 19.

Several families, with help from Best Buy employees, were trained on basic computer skills and went home with something they didn’t have before – Internet connectivity and a computer.

Best Buy partnered with OurCycle LA, a City of Los Angeles digital inclusion pilot program geared at providing free refurbished computers and training to low-income families in Los Angeles.