Women in STEM


07 Mar: Best Buy Highlights Disproportionate Number Of Women In STEM

March is Women’s History Month — a time to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women everywhere.

It’s also a time you’ll hear calls for accelerating women’s equality. For example, women make up 50% of the U.S. population but hold just 28% of science, technology, engineer and math (STEM) careers.

This month, Best Buy is doing an awareness campaign using videos, employee stories and events to dive deeper into the disparity.

“Women and girls deserve the same opportunities as their male counterparts,” said Best Buy CEO Corie Barry.


24 Feb: 5 reasons Best Buy is a great place for women to work

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re focusing on the future of women in STEM. Currently, only 28% of STEM professionals in the U.S. are women and at Best Buy, we think that’s just not good enough.

“We need to empower more girls to go into STEM fields, or we’re not utilizing half of the brain power in the world,” CEO Corie Barry said. “That also means that what gets studied and what gets made will be determined by only half of the population.