Geek Squad


07 Aug: ‘Geek Squad heroes’ save Michigan man’s day

Sonny Guizzetti had seemingly tried everything but couldn’t figure out how to get his laptop or tablet to connect to FaceTime.

“I was getting so frustrated it was driving me crazy,” the Michigan man recalled.

So, he jumped in his car and drove to his local Best Buy store in Marquette, Michigan, to get some help from his friends at the Geek Squad.

Problem solved.

It wasn’t a quick fix, but Geek Squad Agent Eric Nelson was patient and stuck with it until he found a solution.


18 Jul: EMT-certified Agent helps fellow Agent at crash scene

Geek Squad Agents Lizandra Hernandez and William Lomeli were driving between house calls in Fresno, California, one morning in early June when they came upon a crash involving a car and a motorcycle at a busy intersection.

First responders hadn’t arrived yet, so Lizandra — a certified EMT — took charge. She jumped out of the Geek Squad van and began to assess the condition of the motorcyclist.

While checking for life-threatening injuries, she asked the man to remove his jacket. She noticed he was wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and a black tie.

Best Buy - badges

11 Apr: Geek Squad Introduces New Badges for Longtime Agents

John Dahlquist has been with Geek Squad longer than Geek Squad has been with Best Buy.

He first joined the tech-support task force 21 years ago, and he’s been an Agent ever since. He even has a special badge to prove it.

Agent Dahlquist is one of the nearly 60 Geek Squad Agents around the country receiving newly redesigned badges this week. The Agents all have been with the company continuously since at least 2004, when Best Buy rolled out Geek Squad across the U.S.

Best Buy - Hawaii GSA

30 Mar: Creative Planning Gets Geek Squad Academy to Hawaii

Almost three years of careful planning and outreach paid off this week as 160 students at an elementary school in Hawaii enjoyed their first interaction with a Geek Squad Academy (GSA).

Students got to program robots, write code and more with the help of Best Buy and Geek Squad volunteers.

“You could just feel the excitement and energy when the kids entered the room,” said James Pineda, a Geek Squad Agent at Best Buy’s Honolulu store who helped lead robotics classes.

Best Buy - hurricane

20 Mar: From Puerto Rico to Denver and Back: An Agent’s Post-Hurricane Adventure

For Geek Squad Agent Marcos Puchols, Hurricane Maria started a whirlwind adventure that would lead him from Puerto Rico to Denver and back again.

In the early days after the storm, many Puerto Ricans found themselves without food, water or electricity. And, with Best Buy’s stores on the island damaged, Marcos wasn’t sure what his future held.

But that uncertainty quickly gave way to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With help from Best Buy, Marcos temporarily relocated to Denver, where he and his wife, Kathy, were able to work and maintain some sense of normalcy.

Geek Squad Heros_blog

22 Dec: Geek Squad Heroes Reunite With Woman They Saved


As soon as Geek Squad Agents Thomas Willis and Lucas Wilt entered the hospital room, the woman’s face lit up with excitement.

“My heroes!” she exclaimed. Then she asked for a hug, and the Agents were more than happy to oblige.

The last time they saw one another, the Agents were saving the woman from a fiery crash on the back roads of southwestern Virginia. She was badly injured and had to be airlifted to the hospital. Now, she’s expected to make a full recovery.


16 Oct: Agent Walks Away Unscathed After Geekmobile is Buried Under Gravel


As Geek Squad Agent Brandon Majors made a left turn in his Geekmobile last week near Peru, Indiana, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye — a big, red dump truck. And it was barreling toward him.

Agent Majors attempted a last-second U-turn to avoid a crash. The truck – with a full load of limestone gravel – swerved, overturned and smashed on top of the Geekmobile before skidding to a stop.

The 26-year-old found himself trapped under all the rock and wreckage.

Best Buy - Wi-Fi

29 Sep: If Your Wi-Fi Makes You Cry, An Agent Can Help

My woes with home Wi-Fi started with monthly text messages from my wireless carrier days before the month was up: “FYI, you’ve used 90 percent of your shared data…”

Our inadequate Wi-Fi was responsible for mounting consternation, including but not limited to:

  • Whining from my gamer child: “MOOOOOM. This isn’t working! It’s BROKEN!”
  • Frustration from my husband, “Why can’t I do anything on my tablet?”
  • And the dreaded spinning “buffering” circle that displayed while streaming my fave home remodeling show.

We’d been eking by with a spotty wireless network, and we’d been doing it

for too long.

Best Buy - badge

04 Aug: Badges And Hugs: A Geek Squad Agent’s Surprise Encounter

Geek Squad Agent Sean McCoy was in line at a donut shop in suburban Chicago in June when the woman in front of him noticed his badge.

“Are you a police officer?” Angie Baldwin asked excitedly.

“No ma’am,” replied Agent McCoy, who has worked for Best Buy for almost 22 years. “I’m a Geek Squad Agent. We wear badges because we police technology — and it makes us look cool.”

It certainly wasn’t the first time a Geek Squad Agent has been asked about his or her badge, but this time was different.

Best Buy - cooking

17 Apr: Magazine Dishes on Geek Squad Agent’s Cooking Skills

Norman Walker was drenched in sweat by the time the Thanksgiving meal was served. He had done 40 laps up and down the stairs that day. He wasn’t trying to burn calories — he was trying to save dinner.

The 12-year-old’s mother was sick and unable to leave her bed. So, she directed Norman through it all.

“I did the turkey, the stuffing, the green bean casserole. And I kept running to her room on the second floor to make sure I was doing it right,” he said.

Best Buy - Pi Day

14 Mar: Pi Day Celebration Baked into Geek Squad Culture

Any way you slice it, Pi Day is a big deal for Best Buy’s Geek Squad.

March 14 represents pi, an important mathematical number that begins 3.14 and goes on and on from there (3.14, get it?). It’s also the birthday of genius Albert Einstein. And if you add an “e” to make it pie, you get a tasty treat.

Think about it: mathematics, Einstein and food. “It’s a geek’s holiday trifecta,” says Andy Bork, Commander, Geek Squad Cultural Systems and Operations.

Best Buy - badge

01 Sep: Geek Squad’s ‘Agent 100K’ Gets His Badge

The anticipation had been building inside Geek Squad Agent Cayle Conkey over the last 18 months and, finally, on Thursday, the wait was over. He got his badge.

The number on it: 100,000.

It’s a milestone number, signifying the past, present and future employees who have helped to build the tech support service into what it is today. It has taken more than 20 years (Geek Squad was founded in 1994) to reach 100,000.

“It’s awesome. I’ve really been working toward this,” Agent Conkey said after he was presented with his shield during a ceremony Thursday on the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in Charleston, South Carolina.