Company News

Best Buy - Teen Tech

17 Nov: Best Buy Seeks Teen Tech Center Partners in 6 Cities

The Best Buy Teen Tech Center program is expanding nationwide, and we’re currently looking for nonprofit/public entity host partners in six new cities.

Best Buy Teen Tech Centers are places where underserved teens can develop critical tech skills through hands-on activities. Those activities include programming, filmmaking, music production and design.

Each of our 11 current locations give students access to tech education opportunities, relationships that help to build confidence and a foundation for school and career success. Our partnership with The Clubhouse Network connects members to a global community of more than 100 clubhouses in 20 countries.

Geek Squad Academy

15 Nov: Want to Host a Geek Squad Academy? Apply Now

Geek Squad Academy, one of Best Buy’s signature community programs, is now accepting applications to host free two-day tech camps for youth in 2018.

We will accept applications from nonprofits, schools, libraries and other community groups.

Geek Squad Academy is one way we will reach our goal of preparing 1 million underserved youth for tech-reliant jobs of the future.

As a partner, here’s what you can expect:

  • Passionate instructors – Our Geek Squad Agents and Blue Shirts are the tech experts.
Best Buy - diversity and inclusion

04 Nov: Hubert Joly Opens Up About Diversity and Inclusion

Best Buy Chairman and CEO Hubert Joly welcomed the Twin Cities Black Affinity Network to corporate headquarters on Saturday for a conversation about diversity and inclusion.

“My purpose is to inspire people around me in a positive way and to use the position I have as a platform to create positive change,” Hubert told the crowd of about 250.

Part of that change is bringing more diversity to the workplace. “If we don’t embrace the richness of backgrounds and experiences, then it’s going to be a terrible world for individuals who feel excluded,” Hubert said.