

06 Feb: Forced Labor Not Acceptable

Best Buy is committed to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions and will not stand for any practices that run counter to the Core Conventions, including forced labor.

We source our private label products from seven countries and approximately 185 factories that employ over 165,000 workers, of which fewer than 200 are foreign migrant workers (i.e., workers who travel temporarily from their home country for employment). As an active member of the Responsible Labor Initiative, we understand that forced labor conditions are a risk in some of these regions, especially for foreign migrant and other vulnerable workers.


16 Dec: Here are 5 eco-friendly holiday gift ideas

Are you struggling to find the perfect gift for someone on your list? How about giving a gift you can feel good about giving – a sustainable one from Best Buy.

Here are a few products that are eco-friendly, meaning they’ll help save resources, reduce single-use containers or are made from recycled materials. They also use the latest technology, too.


19 Sep: Best Buy named to Dow Jones, FTSE4Good sustainability indices

These days, an important indicator for investors to rate the quality of a company is by how it positively impacts the environment and community. That’s why Best Buy is honored to be named to two prestigious indices based on our sustainability performance.

  • We have been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the ninth consecutive year. In addition to being included on the North America Index, we are one of only two U.S. retailers to be named to the Dow Jones World Index.