allergy season

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20 Apr: Allergy Season: Break Out the Tissues (and the Tech)

The snow has melted, birds are singing and the flowers are starting to bloom. Unfortunately, for millions of allergy sufferers, that means it’s sneezing season…


But spring shouldn’t be miserable, and it doesn’t have to be. We talked to a couple of allergy experts to learn how technology can help you minimize the sniffles and sneezes.

Here are three examples:

1) Allergy apps

There are some great smartphone apps, such as’s Alergy Alert and WebMD Allergy, that provide info on the pollen index in your area.

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12 May: Prepare for the ‘Pollen Tsunami’ with Air Purifiers from Best Buy

It’s a new term, but it’s not going away, as the “Pollen Tsunami” is just getting started. We have the brutally cold winter, topped with plenty of precipitation, to thank for the later-than-usual allergy season.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recently released its list of five most challenging places to live with allergies. Jackson, Mississippi; Louisville, Kentucky; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Memphis and Knoxville, Tennessee, top the list. Cities in the Northeast and Upper Midwest are also ranking high on that list.