

01 Jul: Best Buy Scores 100% On Disability Equality Index

Best Buy has once again earned a perfect score of 100% on the Disability Equality Index (DEI), ranking among the leading companies on the list of Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.

The DEI is a prominent benchmarking tool for Fortune 1000 companies and leading law firms to gauge their level of disability workplace inclusion against competitors. The criteria include culture and leadership, enterprisewide access, community engagement, supplier diversity and employment practices, such as benefits, recruitment and retention.

At Best Buy, we believe that an accessible and inclusive workplace is vital to attracting and retaining the best talent and to delivering a great employee experience.


17 Jun: Best Buy Ranks High For Supply Chain Practices

Best Buy was the top-rated retailer in a new assessment of the supply chain practices at the largest global information and communications technology (ICT) brands.

We also ranked 10th overall among the 49 companies included in KnowTheChain’s 2020 ICT Benchmark. KnowTheChain is a nonprofit that serves as a resource for companies and investors to understand and address the risks of forced labor in global supply chains.

Best Buy scored 52 out of 100, well above the average score of 30.


16 Jun: Best Buy Rises On List Of 100 Best Corporate Citizens

Best Buy is proud to rank No. 46 on the 2020 list of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens, moving up 21 spots from last year.

This list recognizes outstanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) transparency and performance among the 1,000 largest public companies in the U.S. Our ranking places us in the top 5% of all companies evaluated, and we ranked second in the retail category.

ISS ESG, the responsible investing research arm of Institutional Shareholder Services, compiled the list.