holiday shopping

Best Buy - Top Tech

25 Oct: Best Buy Unveils Annual Holiday ‘Top Tech’ List

Start preparing those wish lists; the holiday shopping season is here. Today, Best Buy announced its annual “Top Tech” list — the 20 must-have technology products — just in time to get a head start on holiday shopping.

The list contains the hottest new and emerging technologies handpicked by Best Buy’s tech experts, from virtual reality and smart home products to drones and hair dryers (yes, hair dryers). It also includes the latest laptops, gaming systems, TVs, cameras and more. Customers can browse, learn about, preorder or buy them now in Best Buy stores and on


23 Dec: Best Buy Gift Cards Through The Years

As one of the first retailers to offer shoppers plastic gifts cards 20 years ago, Best Buy led one of the hottest trends in gift-giving.

Back then, our wallet-sized plastic cards replaced cumbersome paper gift certificates.

It took a while for shoppers to embrace the concept of gift cards, but today they’re one of the most popular items for gift-givers and gift-receivers. In fact, the National Retail Federation expected total spending on the cards to reach $25.9 billion in 2015.

stocking stuffers

16 Dec: Top Tech Stocking Stuffers That Won’t Break Your Budget

Picking up a quality gift for your significant other, landlord and little brother is already a daunting enough task without having to sweat a tight budget.

But hey, great gifts – and great tech – don’t have to break the bank. Best Buy has your back with top tech gifts at price points under $25, $50 and $100.

Here are our favorites that are sure to convince them you’re living the high life.

*Pro-tip: These also make for great stocking stuffers.