Newsweek Green Rankings

Best Buy - Green Rankings

11 Dec: Best Buy is Top Retailer in Newsweek’s U.S. Green Rankings

Best Buy has landed at No. 6 on Newsweek’s 2017 Green Rankings list of the 500 largest publicly traded U.S. companies.

Up 21 spots from last year, Best Buy is the top-ranked retailer.  

The Newsweek Green Rankings represent the companies that are generating the most revenue with the least amount of environmental impact. Corporate Knights, in partnership with Newsweek, analyzes eight main factors, including carbon, energy, water, waste and the extent to which internal governance is geared toward sustainability.

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23 Jun: Best Buy Ranked 2nd Among Greenest Retailers

It’s not easy being green, a wise frog once said. But shouldn’t it be easy?

At Best Buy, we believe being sustainable is good for business, and we have proof. Contrary to the old adage that it costs more to be “green” – it really can save money. Our recent 20% carbon reduction attainment saved Best Buy more than $50 million. Our leaders get it – they made sustainability a priority even through the Company’s turnaround.

It’s also easy to say you’re a “green” company.