About 30 youth at a Best Buy Teen Tech Center in Minneapolis recently got a behind-the-headset look at how virtual reality and professional baseball can work together.
Teen Tech Centers
In honor of National Mentoring Day, we spoke with mentors about their relationships with the teens and the impact of those connections.
As part of Best Buy’s longstanding commitment to building brighter futures for teens through tech, we recently invited our customers to join us in that work — and, wow, did they ever deliver.
Between July 11 and Oct. 2, customers contributed more than $5.5 million to help support the Best Buy Teen Tech Center program. The campaign sought to educate customers about this initiative and allowed them to make a tax-deductible donation when making a purchase, including at a Best Buy store, BestBuy.com
Our Best Buy Teen Tech Center program is expanding, and we’re looking for local nonprofit partners to serve as hosts.
Four teens from Best Buy Teen Tech Centers across the country had the opportunity to express and celebrate their Latinx heritage by creating their own PopSockets PopGrip to be sold as part of our Latinx Heritage Month campaign.
Best Buy CEO Corie Barry chatted with Teen Tech Center students and mentors at the Best Buy Charity Classic, the Best Buy Foundation’s signature fundraising event.
Between July 11 and Sept. 11, we're inviting customers to contribute when making a purchase, including at a Best Buy store, BestBuy.com or the Best Buy App.
Best Buy Teen Tech Centers are places where teens in disinvested communities can find inspiration and resources to channel their talents, energy and ideas into brighter futures.
The robot was named in memory of a longtime Best Buy general manager who died last year.
Giving youth — especially girls — access to tech education opportunities is important to Best Buy. We’re committed to closing the gender gap and helping train girls for the careers of the future.
Many teens have big dreams, and Best Buy Teen Tech Centers are helping make them a reality.
Giving youth — especially girls — access to tech education opportunities is important to Best Buy. We’re committed to closing the gender gap and helping train girls for the careers of the future.